
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

BLOG-9 Changes to my study programme.

 To begin with, it is still difficult for me to talk about my career, this is my first year, I am finishing my first semester and we must add the fact that it is taking place online, I can say that it has not been as terrible as I had imagined or as I was told many times in the not too distant past, but it must be because of the pandemic context in which we are living. So far the subjects have seemed very good, interesting and like everyone else I have favorite courses of study haha. On the other hand, for my part, I think it is good that the degree lasts 5 years, it is an adequate time to be able to acquire more in-depth knowledge and experiences which prepare us to face the great position that we will have in the future; train the youth,  therefore the future of society. About the workloads, from my point of view, I don't think I can say much, since I am just living it, but so far they have been good for me, I have not felt much weight academically speaking, although I insist tha


For the summer holidays I used to go south, specifically to Negrete where my dad's relatives are. about three years ago my mother mentioned that she wanted to know new parts and that it was not enough to travel south to visit family. It is worth mentioning that the south has wonderful places, the climate is pleasant and when it's hot they go to the rivers as a family, I think moments like this are never forgotten, even more so when you have your father saying things like, I was here as a child, I came with my friends and we spent the afternoon, etc. Coming back to the topic, two years months ago before the pandemic started, We organized a trip to the north, I did not know anything there, so on the way I was very attentive to the landscape, but I must admit that in this respect the southern landscape is a thousand times better. On the way north the landscapes were dry, there were no green areas and it was really fome. the destination was Serena, a very tourist sector, we came to

Free Post: My Favorite Sport

 My favorite sport is soccer, to get to play was a long road, since where I lived there were only male soccer schools and my father did not like that as a woman I was in an environment where men had much more strength, it was dangerous since as they were children they do not measure the force with which they went towards another person. At the age of fifteen, a women's soccer school appeared as a recommendation through the internet, It was from the Colo-Colo club, I was happy because in my family we are all from that team, we began to gather the papers they requested, the exams, etc. and we took them to the venue, I trained in the monumental stadium (colo-colo stadium), the training sessions were every Sunday at 9.30 in the morning, but we always arrived forty minutes or thirty minutes earlier and I played with my father or brother…. There were Sundays where my mother, father and brother went, others where only me and my father went or sometimes only with my brother.  I live an hou

Post graduate Studies

 I think I'm one of the few people who don't want to continue studying, I must admit that I am the black sheep of the family haha.  I don't see myself in the future studying, I think that 5 years at the university is enough for me, even though I was already satisfied with leaving the fourth grade, many people would like to continue studying and get their degree and sometimes they do not have the opportunity, neither the resources.   About me, thank God I have a scholarship and these opportunities should be available to everyone...  This is my first year of university, it is not how I imagined it, much less a pandemic, it is not something that amazes me but I hope my parents feel proud of what I am going to achieve (I hope so hahaha). I know that they will always want the best for their children and well, in one way or another I must give it to them...  And I have in mind and very clear that at some point I will be grateful for everything they have done for me...    At the m