
For the summer holidays I used to go south, specifically to Negrete where my dad's relatives are. about three years ago my mother mentioned that she wanted to know new parts and that it was not enough to travel south to visit family. It is worth mentioning that the south has wonderful places, the climate is pleasant and when it's hot they go to the rivers as a family, I think moments like this are never forgotten, even more so when you have your father saying things like, I was here as a child, I came with my friends and we spent the afternoon, etc.
Coming back to the topic, two years months ago before the pandemic started, We organized a trip to the north, I did not know anything there, so on the way I was very attentive to the landscape, but I must admit that in this respect the southern landscape is a thousand times better.
On the way north the landscapes were dry, there were no green areas and it was really fome. the destination was Serena, a very tourist sector, we came to life, We thought about looking for a rental while we toured but it was difficult, the night approached us and we still have nothing, Already worried we had all our acquaintances looking for rent on Google, I think that I will never forget that hahaha.
changing the subject, I will mention some of my ideas where I would like to travel. The truth is I would like to go to two destinations, one would be the south of Chile where the snow falls for the winter, that place is Malalcahuello, the other destination is abroad, I long to know the United States and I know that I will do it very soon. 
Hopefully this idea or plan becomes a reality and I can continue traveling with my loved ones.




  1. I love the landscapes of the south, it is all green and calm, I hope you can get to know those two places!

  2. I hope you can get to know those two places. They are very beautiful and calm

  3. I´m in love of the south of Chile, Malalcahuello looks so beautiful that I also wanted to know it!

  4. Thanks for letting me know about Malalcahuello! That snow looks so pure and white, I'm tempt!


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