Post graduate Studies

 I think I'm one of the few people who don't want to continue studying, I must admit that I am the black sheep of the family haha.

 I don't see myself in the future studying, I think that 5 years at the university is enough for me, even though I was already satisfied with leaving the fourth grade, many people would like to continue studying and get their degree and sometimes they do not have the opportunity, neither the resources. 

 About me, thank God I have a scholarship and these opportunities should be available to everyone...

 This is my first year of university, it is not how I imagined it, much less a pandemic, it is not something that amazes me but I hope my parents feel proud of what I am going to achieve (I hope so hahaha). I know that they will always want the best for their children and well, in one way or another I must give it to them...  And I have in mind and very clear that at some point I will be grateful for everything they have done for me...  

 At the moment I thank a lot to who are supporting me in what I work since the first investment was all thank to them and without that I couldn't be where I am or I couldn't get something that I want so easily...  I repeat again, thanking so much for the parents I have, for their unconditional support.


  1. How bad that your first year was in a pandemic :(
    I hope you can live the experience of going to college, it is a totally different experience to online classes.

  2. You gotta be brave to post this on a homework about post graduate studies XD Really cool of you! Sincerity above all.

  3. It must be very hard to have to enter college in the context of a pandemic, that's why your support networks are fundamental, which in this case is your family. I wish you the best for this year, bleesings!

  4. I believe that the context of the pandemic has taken away the motivation of many of us to continue studying. But, new jobs and opportunities appeared.


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