BLOG-9 Changes to my study programme.

 To begin with, it is still difficult for me to talk about my career, this is my first year, I am finishing my first semester and we must add the fact that it is taking place online, I can say that it has not been as terrible as I had imagined or as I was told many times in the not too distant past, but it must be because of the pandemic context in which we are living. So far the subjects have seemed very good, interesting and like everyone else I have favorite courses of study haha.

On the other hand, for my part, I think it is good that the degree lasts 5 years, it is an adequate time to be able to acquire more in-depth knowledge and experiences which prepare us to face the great position that we will have in the future; train the youth,  therefore the future of society. About the workloads, from my point of view, I don't think I can say much, since I am just living it, but so far they have been good for me, I have not felt much weight academically speaking, although I insist that perhaps it is because this is my first year, but I think it has not been that difficult.

I think the teaching methods could be improved by making classes more didactic so that the classes do not become monotonous, reaching the point of disinterest or boredom.

Even though I was not one hundred percent determined to study early childhood education, I can say that I am happy and that the teachers show their dedication, I hope in the future I can become like them.


  1. I think we all need more interactive methods, this pandemia context has been terrible

  2. With the pandemic, everything has become monotonous and boring, I have already resigned myself to finishing the career in these conditions :C

  3. Interaction it's absolutly crucial in some areas, and we have lost two years already :( just hope we don't loose a third one.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I think that with the pandemic all the careers became more monotonous and boring. I hope this ends soon

  6. one of the problems that we usually have in the teaching methods is to fall into the motony, good that you want to change that.


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