my career choice

 Well for me it was very difficult to decide what to study, I left 4th grade in 2020, in the middle of a pandemic where thanks to that I did not have a good preparation for the PDT and I think that played against me... Studying was not for me, it was not what I wanted, it did not give meaning to my future.

At the end of 2019 I began to work making eyelash lifting, and I began to cover more on the subject of aesthetics and began to take private courses, that's where I fell in love with working with people, doing their nails and seeing that they were happy, 3 weeks passed and the service was made again, it is very satisfactory. I believed that the aesthetics things would be my future, my profession, my job and my livelihood ... I always had that thought until I received the pdt results, for my parents it was almost an obligation to enter to study at the university.  I did not know what to apply for, what I did know was that I liked the health area but according to my pdt results it was not enough for me for the universities I had in mind. 

After so many talks I was forced to study, the last day of the applications I started looking for careers and pedagogy in kindergarten education appeared, It was not what I had in mind but my family stressed it to me so many times that I felt pressure, It was like an obligation to apply and since I was not deciding on another career, I ended up placing it as the first option and as a second option it was nursing but in a private university. 

The lasr was from the area that I liked, but being private, I did not want to go into debt for something that I really did not want to do, my thought at that moment was nails and eyelashes.

Well, after the results of the applications, I was approved for pedagogy in preschool education, here the talks returned and I ended up enrolled. 

I must admit that I'm still not sure if this is really what I want, but at least for the moment I have been able to stick with the topic of nails and eyelashes... 



                                            some of the many jobs that I have done. 


  1. I understand you very much, please follow your heart. Where do you attend? I love to have my nails and eyelashes <3

  2. Sometimes it’s hard to deal with the pressures of our families, but you have to do something that makes you happy. I wish you the best!

  3. Your work is truly beautiful, it is a pity that your family forced you into study something you are not pationate about, but if you are motivated to follow your dream time will show them they were wrong and you were right, because you are very talented and you'll definitely succed!

  4. your work is extremely beautiful, I congratulate you on your talent.


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